Thursday, August 8, 2013

"Home" - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

Although my life is very fabulous now, it had some not-so-glamorous beginnings.  I was born in the fine city of Decatur in Central Illinois and spent a majority of my more formative years there.  Hence, the accent that I still cannot seem to shake and an intense love for the Chicago Bears.  (Fact: the Chicago Bears actually began in Decatur as the Staley Bears.)   Decatur is kind of a special place for me.  And I don’t mean special as in it brings me warm fuzzy feelings when I think about it.  I mean special like the “special” kid with the headgear in school.  Because frankly Decatur is… different.  And I’m different because I grew up there.  

That’s why it was so important for me to take Eric to see Decatur now that we’re married.  It’s a very big part of me that I wanted to share with him.  So, last weekend Eric and I took Kitty Boo on a road trip to the homeland for the event of summer, the Decatur Celebration.   Which is basically a street fair with deep-fried carnie food, beer, and washed-up musical acts from the 1970’s.  The excitement never ends!  

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to drive out to Central Illinois from Missouri, it’s probably the most boring drive of your life.  It never ends.  And there is SO MUCH CORN.  But once you get there, the fun ensues!  We spent the day on Saturday fishing and boating, then in the evening we went to the Celebration.  

Eric caught a big one!
Lake Decatur! 

I must be in my homeland... I finally found a wine container that meets my needs!  

Sunday, we went to visit my Nan in Springfield, Illinois, which is about 45 minutes outside of Decatur.  Springfield was the home of Lincoln, so there are all kinds of exciting Lincoln things to do…

Rubbing Lincoln's nose for good luck...
Eric at Lincoln's tomb
Eric is looking a little Lincoln-ed out at Lincoln's house.
Being in Central Illinois is really odd for me.  We moved when I was pretty young (I was about 10), so I remember a lot about my life there… it’s just a little vague.  What I do remember are things that a 10 year-old would remember, and a lot of those things have changed in the town.  So when I go back it’s like living in some kind of odd dream.  I know that I’ve been there before, but things aren’t the way I remember them.    

Every time I go though, I’m glad I went.  I always learn more about myself by going to my birthplace.  Plus it’s really pretty country, and the people are always amazing.  That’s probably how I learned to be so awesome. 
I am still one fabulous lady.  Even on Lake Decatur. 

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